Monday, February 9, 2009

Still Cleansing...

Hmmm.... I learned something today about my 7 day cleanse. My two rough days of cleansing might have been brought on by my food choices those days. I didn't exactly eat the best on the first day (chevy's chicken salad and quesadilla) oops- and then teriyaki chicken rice bowl on Saturday. Not so good I guess! Today was definitely better, I guess I'm getting the toxins out of my system. I'll be done on Thursday.

Had a great workout tonight. I was pouring sweat and definitely weak from my cleansing and lack of exercise this weekend. It feels good to be pushed and have accomplished that today though. Had Subway for dinner (pre-screened and approved by Sham, thank you). Sham is going to hook me up with menu planning and his online meal and workout planning. That should help me put lunches together for work.

Oh! and we took action photos today. I'll share them with you when Sham emails them to me.

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